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    Mastering expressions that use the neuter definite article “lo” can greatly enhance your Spanish skills. Below are some examples and their uses:   English Common Student Translation Using the Neuter Article The bad thing(s) La cosa mala Lo malo The best thing La cosa mejor Lo mejor The funny thing(s) La cosa chistosa/divertida Lo chistoso/divertido […] More

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    On her birthday: The Mystery of Frida Kahlo’s Voice

    Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo, one of Mexico’s most iconic artists, was born on July 6, 1907. Her life and art have been extensively studied and celebrated worldwide. Despite the wealth of information about her, a notable mystery remains: no recordings of her voice are known to exist. Frida Kahlo’s life was tumultuous, marked by physical suffering and […] More

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    The Apache Legacy in Mexico


    Apaches in Mexico

    The Apache Legacy in Mexico The Apache people have long been part of northern Mexico, in areas like Chihuahua, Sonora, and Coahuila. Originally, Mexico was much larger, and it was the changing borders of the United States that brought the two nations together. The Apaches were already there when the borders shifted. One of the […] More

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    Chocolate Abuelita


    Chocolate Abuelita Sara García

    Chocolate Abuelita is a beloved Mexican hot chocolate brand known for its blend of chocolate, sugar, and cinnamon. It was originally created by the Fábrica de Chocolates La Azteca in 1939. The term “Abuelita” translates to “grandmother” or rather “granny” in English, reflecting the comforting and nostalgic association many have with the drink, often evoking […] More

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    New York City Bodegas


    NYC Bodega

    Bodegas in New York City A bodega in New York City is a small convenience store usually found on street corners. The word “bodega” comes from Spanish and means “storeroom” or “wine cellar.” The people who work in or own a bodega are called bodegueros. History Started by Hispanic Immigrants: Bodegas were started by immigrants, […] More

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    The usage of “-isimo” and its variants in Romance languages originates from Classical Latin. This shows how linguistic elements can last through centuries of language evolution, even as the languages themselves diverge and develop unique characteristics. The Latin suffix to indicate the superlative degree of adjectives “-issimus” was inherited by Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Catalan  […] More

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    Las Mañanitas


    Las Mañanitas

    “Las Mañanitas” is a traditional Mexican birthday song that is often sung to celebrate someone’s special day. It is sung primarily in Mexico but it is widely recognized in other Spanish-speaking countries. Here is a brief overview and the lyrics of “Las Mañanitas”: Overview “Las Mañanitas” is typically sung early in the morning as a […] More

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    Actual and actually mean something else in almost every other language.


    Actual and Actually in Different Languages Language Word Translation in English Spanish Actual Current Actualmente Currently French Actuel Current Actuellement Currently Italian Attuale Current Attualmente Currently German Aktuell Current Aktuell Currently Portuguese Atual Current Atualmente Currently English Actual Real !!!! Actually In fact !!!! In English, the words “actual” and “actually” have unique meanings that […] More

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    The Last Queen of Italy, Marie-José of Belgium, in Mexico


    Queen Marie Jose in Mexico

    Marie-José of Belgium in Cuernavaca, Mexico Life in Cuernavaca in the 1990s Marie-José of Belgium, the last Queen of Italy, lived in Cuernavaca, Mexico, during the 1990s. She chose Cuernavaca primarily for its favorable climate, which was more suitable for her health and comfort compared to Europe. Residence and Activities Marie-José resided in Villa Lupo, […] More

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    Axolotl: The Mexican Wonder Animal


    Axolotl: The Mexican Wonder Varieties and Origins The axolotl is a type of salamander native to Mexico. Its scientific name is Ambystoma mexicanum. Unlike other amphibians, axolotls remain in their larval stage throughout their lives, a phenomenon called neoteny. They have distinct features like feathery external gills and a wide head with a smiling appearance. […] More

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