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    Raffaella Carrà


    Rafaella Carra

    Italian entertainer Rafaella Carrà died today. She was very famous in Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, and more, especially in the 1980s and 1990s.   🔴🔴 ULTIM'ORA – È morta Raffaella Carrà — Corriere della Sera (@Corriere) July 5, 2021 FLASH | E' morta Raffaella Carrà #ANSA — Agenzia ANSA (@Agenzia_Ansa) July 5, 2021 […] More

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    Finito is Italian, not Spanish

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    It’s not uncommon to hear Spanish language students say finito! when they finish doing a quiz or an exercise. The thing is that finito meaning done! is not a Spanish word, it’s the past participle of the Italian verb finire. Finito in Spanish is an adjective that is used mainly in mathematics referring to a […] More

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    La Kahlo

      The use of “La” only for famous ladies. It’s a pop culture thing to refer to famous ladies using the definite article plus her last name to convey something like “the one and only.” For example: La Monroe The one and only Miss Monroe. It’s like if there were no other famous woman with […] More