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On her birthday: The Mystery of Frida Kahlo’s Voice
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Frida Kahlo, one of Mexico’s most iconic artists, was born on July 6, 1907. Her life and art have been extensively studied and celebrated worldwide. Despite the wealth of information about her, a notable mystery remains: no recordings of her voice are known to exist. Frida Kahlo’s life was tumultuous, marked by physical suffering and […] More
Tijuana: Celebrating 100 Years of the Caesar Salad: The 4th of July, 1924.
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Caesar salad, one of the world’s most beloved salads, celebrates its 100th anniversary on July 4, 2024. This iconic dish was invented on the 4th of July, 1924 by Italian immigrant Caesar Cardini at his restaurant, Caesar’s, located on Avenida Revolución in Tijuana, Mexico. The creation of the Caesar salad is attributed to a moment […] More
in Culture, Grammar, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyBuenísimo
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The usage of “-isimo” and its variants in Romance languages originates from Classical Latin. This shows how linguistic elements can last through centuries of language evolution, even as the languages themselves diverge and develop unique characteristics. The Latin suffix to indicate the superlative degree of adjectives “-issimus” was inherited by Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Catalan […] More
Las Mañanitas
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“Las Mañanitas” is a traditional Mexican birthday song that is often sung to celebrate someone’s special day. It is sung primarily in Mexico but it is widely recognized in other Spanish-speaking countries. Here is a brief overview and the lyrics of “Las Mañanitas”: Overview “Las Mañanitas” is typically sung early in the morning as a […] More
in Culture, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyActual and actually mean something else in almost every other language.
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Actual and Actually in Different Languages Language Word Translation in English Spanish Actual Current Actualmente Currently French Actuel Current Actuellement Currently Italian Attuale Current Attualmente Currently German Aktuell Current Aktuell Currently Portuguese Atual Current Atualmente Currently English Actual Real !!!! Actually In fact !!!! In English, the words “actual” and “actually” have unique meanings that […] More
in Culture, Grammar, Spanish, Translation, VocabularyWhy English and Spanish form their plurals using an S
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Languages that form noun plurals by adding an “s” include just a handful and are some of the most widely spoken languages in the world. English: Most nouns form their plural by adding “s” (e.g., cat → cats, car → cars). If the noun ends in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or -ch, an “es” is […] More
in Culture, Spanish, Translation, VocabularyLa Feria
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Fair Rides and Their Names in Different Countries Fair rides, called juegos mecánicos in many countries, are a staple of amusement parks and fairs around the world, and each country has its unique names for these attractions. Below is an overview of some popular fair rides and their names in various countries, focusing on English-speaking […] More
in Culture, Funny, Spanish, Translation, VocabularyCornudo
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First and foremost, cuerno in Spanish, and corno in Italian and Portuguese means horn. The expression “cornudo” is a term used in Spanish to describe a man whose wife or girlfriend has been unfaithful to him. The literal translation of “cornudo” is “horned one,” and it carries a strong connotation of being cheated on. […] More
Nopales en Nápoles: De México para Italia
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Los cactus, en particular los nopales y las tunas, son plantas originarias de México que han encontrado un segundo hogar en Italia, especialmente en el sur, en Sardinia y en Sicilia. Esta interesante historia de cómo llegaron estas plantas a Europa comienza en la época de la colonización española. Origen Mexicano y Viaje a Europa […] More
Spanish Is the Second Most Spoken Native Language in the World
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Why Is Spanish So Popular? Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world when it comes to native speakers. Over 460 million people speak it as their first language! This huge number is thanks to the Spanish Empire back in the day. From the 16th to the 19th century, Spanish explorers and colonizers […] More
The Tiffany Crystal Curtain at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City
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La Cortina de Cristal diseñada y construida por Tiffany para el Palacio de Bellas Artes de la Ciudad de México La cortina de cristal del Palacio de Bellas Artes es una obra maestra única en su tipo, creada por Tiffany Studios de Nueva York. Esta magnífica cortina fue encargada en 1909 y completada en 1911, […] More
in Culture, Funny, Grammar, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyNavigating the Tricky World of False Cognates in Italian and Spanish
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False cognates refresher: False cognates are words that look or sound alike in two languages but mean completely different things. They can be particularly misleading for language learners because their familiar appearance can make you think you understand them, only to find out later that you’ve misunderstood the conversation. Examples: To help you navigate […] More