Condorito is a popular comic strip character in Latin America. Created by Chilean cartoonist René Ríos in 1949, the character is a condor in a human body who lives in the fictional town of Pelotillehue with his friends and family. The comic strip is known for its humorous and satirical take on Latin American culture and society and has been published in numerous countries throughout the region. Over the years, Condorito has become a beloved figure, with his catchphrase “¡Plop!” and distinctive red and yellow outfit instantly recognizable to fans. He has also been adapted into a television series and films.

Dicho, as a noun, it means saying. Reflauta, gosh. Cómo come tu compañero, surprised that his schoolmate eats too much. Context: they carry school tote bags. No ha parado desde que salió de clases. He hasn’t stopped since he left school. Salir de classes, to leave classes. Siempre es así. He’s always like this. Le decimos “La función de media noche”. Le decimos -a él-. We tell him, it means we call him some name/nickname. La función de medianoche. When talking about a cinema, circus, or theater, la función means a showing or showtime. Función de media noche means midnight showing. Medianoche means midnight and it can be written in one word. ¿Por qué?, why?. Porque no se llena nunca, because he never gets full
This type of dialogue is very important because it’s colloquial Spanish.
Condorito es un popular personaje de historieta en América Latina. Creado por el caricaturista chileno René Ríos en 1949, el personaje es un cóndor en un cuerpo de humano que vive en el pueblo no existene de Pelotillehue con sus amigos y familiares. La historieta se caracteriza por su humor y su enfoque satírico de la cultura y sociedad latinoamericana, y ha sido publicada en numerosos países de la región. A lo largo de los años, Condorito se ha convertido en una figura querida, con su frase característica “¡Plop!” y su distintivo traje rojo y amarillo instantáneamente reconocibles por los fans. También ha sido adaptado a una serie de televisión y películas.