Navigating the Tricky World of False Cognates in Italian and Spanish

A learner from the other language might say: I know what it means! it’s obvious! Not always.

A confused emoji face

False cognates refresher:

False cognates are words that look or sound alike in two languages but mean completely different things. They can be particularly misleading for language learners because their familiar appearance can make you think you understand them, only to find out later that you’ve misunderstood the conversation.



To help you navigate these tricky waters, here are some surprising false cognates between Italian and Spanish (and sometimes English too!). Keep these in mind, and you’ll avoid some common misunderstandings.


Italian Word Spanish Word Italian Meaning Spanish Meaning
Machina Máquina car, auto machine, gadget
Camera Cámara Room Camera
Tavola Tabla Table Board, plank
Burro Burro Butter Donkey
Avanzo Avance Food left-overs advance, move forward
Salire Salir To go up, to climb To go out
Camino Camino fireplace road
Guardare Guardar To watch To keep, to save
Successo Suceso Success Event, happening
Integratore Integrador Vitamin supplement Inclusive, integrator
Patente Patente driver’s license patent (of invention)
Nomina Nómina nomination payroll
Liquor Licor spinal fluid liquor, alcohol
Bravo Bravo good fierce, angry, vicious

So, in Italian, un cane bravo is a good dog. In Spanish un perro bravo can be a vicious dog! There are many more, like rimediare in Italian. To remedy in Spanish and English, but in Italian, it also means to obtain, secure, wangle, scrounge. Conseguir in Spanish.

Tips for Navigating False Cognates

  1. Context is Your Friend: Always consider the context in which a word is used. This can often help you figure out its true meaning.
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you read, listen, and speak the language, the more familiar you’ll become with these tricky words.
  3. Consult a Dictionary: When in doubt, look it up! A reliable dictionary can be your best friend when you encounter a suspiciously familiar word.
  4. Study in Pairs of words: Learning false cognates in pairs and focusing on their differences can help reinforce the correct meanings in your memory

False cognates are a fascinating part of language learning that can lead to humorous and sometimes confusing moments. By being aware of these deceptive words, you can avoid misunderstandings. Keep practicing, stay curious, and soon enough, you’ll be navigating these false friends like a pro!

In Italian, an integratore is a vitamin supplement.  If it makes you feel better, whole wheat bread is called pan integral in Spanish, at least you can eat both.



Pan integral
Pan integral

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