Vaquita Marina SOS

The most endangered marine mammal in the world

Vaquita Marina

Vaquita Marina

The vaquita marina, or vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus), is the most endangered marine mammal in the world. Found only in the northern part of the Gulf of California, Mexico, this small porpoise is critically endangered due to illegal fishing practices.

Key Facts:

  • Endemic Region: The vaquita lives exclusively in a small area of the Gulf of California.
  • Population: Fewer than 10 individuals remain, making its conservation a critical issue.
  • Threats: The primary threat to the vaquita is entanglement in illegal gillnets used for fishing the totoaba fish. The swim bladders of totoaba are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, leading to extensive illegal fishing.

Conservation Efforts:

  • Operation Milagro: Since 2015, Sea Shepherd has partnered with Mexican authorities in Operation Milagro to remove illegal gillnets from the vaquita’s habitat. This operation involves patrolling the waters, locating, and removing illegal fishing gear. The introduction of the new ship, M/V Seahorse, has significantly enhanced these efforts, leading to a 90% reduction in illegal fishing activities within the Zero Tolerance Area of the Vaquita Refuge​ (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)​​ (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)​​ (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)​.
  • Collaborations: The Mexican government, alongside organizations like Sea Shepherd, has been actively working to enforce fishing bans and protect the vaquita through rigorous patrolling and removing illegal nets​ (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)​​ (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)​.

How You Can Help:

Supporting organizations like Sea Shepherd through donations, volunteering, and spreading awareness about the vaquita’s plight can make a significant difference. For more detailed information on how to get involved, visit the Sea Shepherd Vaquita Page and Operation Milagro.

The vaquita’s situation is dire, but with continued efforts and global support, there is hope for the survival of this unique and precious species.

Vaquita Marina en México

La vaquita marina (Phocoena sinus) es el mamífero marino más amenazado del mundo. Se encuentra exclusivamente en la parte norte del Golfo de California, México. Su población ha disminuido a menos de 10 individuos debido a la pesca ilegal.

Datos Clave:

  • Región Endémica: Vive únicamente en una pequeña área del Golfo de California.
  • Amenazas: La principal amenaza es el enredo en redes de enmalle ilegales utilizadas para pescar totoaba, cuyo buche es muy valorado en la medicina tradicional china.

Esfuerzos de Conservación:

Cómo Ayudar:

Puedes apoyar a organizaciones como Sea Shepherd a través de donaciones, voluntariado y difundiendo la situación crítica de la vaquita. Para más información, visita la página de Sea Shepherd sobre la Vaquita.

La situación de la vaquita es crítica, pero con esfuerzos continuos y apoyo global, hay esperanza para la supervivencia de esta especie única y valiosa.



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