This is how we call different groups of animals in Spanish:
Spanish | English | Notes |
bandada (f) | flock (birds), skein (group of geese) | flock of birds, group of geese (gansos) |
cardumen (m) | school | fish (peces) |
colonia | colony | pingüinos |
enjambre (m) | swarm | bees (abejas), some other flying insects |
escuela (f) | school | fish (peces) |
jauría (f) | pack | dogs (perros), wolves (lobos), etc. |
manada (f) | herd, pack | elefantes |
parvada (f) | flock | flying birds (pájaros, aves) |
piara (f) | herd | originally only pigs (cerdos) |
rebaño (m) | flock (sheep) | sheep (ovejas), goats (cabras, chivos) |
recua (f) | train | train of mules, horses |
Manada de lobos
Originally published on 20110606. Latest updated on 20210424 ( top