Groups of animals

Groups of Animals

This is how we call different groups of animals in Spanish:

Spanish English Notes
bandada (f) flock (birds), skein (group of geese) flock of birds, group of geese (gansos)
cardumen (m) school fish (peces)
colonia colony pingüinos
enjambre (m) swarm bees (abejas), some other flying insects
escuela (f) school fish (peces)
jauría (f) pack dogs (perros), wolves (lobos), etc.
manada (f) herd, pack elefantes
parvada (f) flock flying birds (pájaros, aves)
piara (f) herd originally only pigs (cerdos)
rebaño (m) flock (sheep) sheep (ovejas), goats (cabras, chivos)
recua (f) train train of mules, horses


Manada de lobos

Originally published on 20110606. Latest updated on 20210424 ( top

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