Tijuana: Celebrating 100 Years of the Caesar Salad: The 4th of July, 1924.

A Mexican Culinary Icon

Hotel Caesars Tijuana Mexico. The location where the Caesar's Salad was created.
Caesar's Hotel Tijuana Mexico . Google Maps.

Caesar salad, one of the world’s most beloved salads, celebrates its 100th anniversary on July 4, 2024. This iconic dish was invented on the 4th of July, 1924 by Italian immigrant Caesar Cardini at his restaurant, Caesar’s, located on Avenida Revolución in Tijuana, Mexico. The creation of the Caesar salad is attributed to a moment of necessity when Cardini, during a particularly busy Fourth of July weekend, had to improvise with the limited ingredients available in his kitchen​ (Wikipedia)​​ (San Diego Magazine)​.

The original recipe consists of romaine lettuce, olive oil, crushed garlic, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, anchovies, raw or coddled eggs, Dijon mustard, black pepper, croutons, and grated Parmesan cheese. Traditionally, the salad was prepared tableside and eaten by dressing each leaf individually​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.

Caesar’s restaurant in Tijuana still serves the salad using the original recipe, and it has become a symbol of culinary creativity and simplicity. The restaurant is celebrating this milestone with special events and dinners, highlighting the enduring legacy of this dish​ (San Diego Magazine)​.


Hail Caesar! At 100 years old, the world’s best salad is having a renaissance





La ensalada César, una de las ensaladas más solicitadas del mundo, celebra su 100º aniversario el 4 de julio de 2024. Esta famosísima ensalada fue inventada en 1924 por el inmigrante italiano Caesar Cardini en su restaurante, Caesar’s, ubicado en la Avenida Revolución en Tijuana, México. La creación de la ensalada César se atribuye a un momento de necesidad cuando Cardini, durante un ocupado fin de semana del Día de la Independencia, tuvo que improvisar con los ingredientes limitados disponibles en su cocina​ (Wikipedia)​​ (San Diego Magazine)​.

La receta original consiste en lechuga romana, aceite de oliva, ajo triturado, jugo de limón, salsa Worcestershire, anchoas, huevos crudos o escalfados, mostaza de Dijon, pimienta negra, crutones y queso parmesano rallado. Tradicionalmente, la ensalada se preparaba en la mesa y se comía aderezando cada hoja individualmente​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.

El restaurante Caesar’s en Tijuana todavía sirve la ensalada utilizando la receta original, y se ha convertido en un símbolo de creatividad y simplicidad culinaria. El restaurante está celebrando este hito con eventos especiales y cenas, destacando el legado perdurable de este plato​ (San Diego Magazine)​.


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