January 2021
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in Table of Expressions, Uncategorized, Vocabulary10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (13)
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Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation aquí hay gato encerrado there is a locked up cat something is fishy here pelar a alguien (MX), (no pelar a alguien) (MX) Lit: to peel someone to pay attention to someone, to acknowledge someone’s existence. No pelar […] More
An interesting video about the history of the X in Spanish.
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Lola Pons Rodríguez explains a brief history of the letter X, she mentions that it has had several sounds that have changed every few centuries, and she also explains that the letter H was not mute in some regions. It was pronounced in a similar manner to English or German. This video is in […] More
Really nice video of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
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William Taudien from Sweden is a little crazy. Funny crazy. He is also a great video editor and has impressive drone skills. He has lived almost a year in Mexico and this is an example of one of his videos. Unfortunately, there is not much Spanish to listen to in this episode. (For […] More
in Table of Expressions, VocabularyWarning about accidents in Spanish.
This is how we say careful, don’t fall, watch out! don’t burn yourself, etc. What we usually do, is converting sentences like these: te vas a caer, te vas a quemar, se te va a escapar, to the negative comand form: no te vayas a caer, no te vayas a quemar, no se te […] More
in NewsPresident Biden’s White House reinstates their La Casa Blanca site.
The new https://t.co/qYTGXKiPan website now includes a Spanish language section which had been removed during Trump's tenure https://t.co/aTyol2Oian — Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) January 20, 2021 https://www.whitehouse.gov/es/ More
in Mexico, Table of Expressions, VocabularyNames of some Mexican jobs.
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Job Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation bolero what? shoeshine person cácaro what? person who handles the projector at a movie theater carterista wallet specialist? pickpocket cerillo kitchen match Person, usually a kid, who packs your groceries at supermarkets for a little tip. In […] More
in Grammar, News, VocabularyGender reveal! Lots of languages divide words into categories, like male and female. How does that happen?
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This article has a little error. Words are not male and female, but masculine and feminine. Gender reveal! Lots of languages divide words into categories, like male and female. How does that happen? https://t.co/GYFTtucBR2 — Slate (@Slate) January 20, 2021 […] More
in Table of Expressions, Uncategorized10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (16).
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10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (16) Here are 10 common random idioms you may have trouble with if you hear them for the first time: Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation Pasarse algo por el arco del triunfo OR ignorar algo olímpicamente (MX) To […] More
in VideoWhite House Correspondent Goes Viral for Reporting in Six Different Languages for different news organizations.
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WATCH: White House Correspondent Goes Viral for Reporting in Six Different Languages https://t.co/aMQpi8nHrV — Mediaite (@Mediaite) January 18, 2021 More
Telenovelas mexicanas locas.
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This is one of the most memorable moments in Mexican telenovela history. Extremely dramatic, overacted, politically incorrect, internet meme material. This segment has subtitles for your amusement. Excuse some of the subtitles. Obviously, if they were exact translations, this telenovela would’ve never been shown on TV. ¡Maldita lisiada! Itatí Cantoral cuenta su […] More
A photo exhibition about Frida Kahlo in Paris.
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A Photo Exhibition about Frida Kahlo in Paris https://t.co/DIMp2N4dus https://t.co/nn3p6RLJqI pic.twitter.com/9jJMub7aC4 — Fubiz (@fubiz) January 15, 2021 More