New Spanish verbs are mostly -ar

By Notimex


In Spanish, one way to classify verbs is by their endings, -ar, -er, and -ir. In a few years, the -ar verbs will be the big majority. The reason is that almost every new verb that is being incorporated into the language is always -ar. Many of these verbs come from either English or other foreign languages or are slang, and many are not recognized by the Academy. There are probably some new -er and -ir verbs, but I can’t think of a single one. Examples of these verbs are:

boicotear to boycott
chamaquear (Mex) to take advantage of someone who is inexperienced
chatear to chat
checar, chequear to check
cliquear to click
comadrear to gossip (among women)
flirtear to flirt
formatear to format a disk
parquear (Spain). Estacionarse in Latin America. to park a car
teclear to type on a keyboard
testar (Spain), testear (Argentina). Probar, someter a prueba, poner a prueba in Mexico. to test
transar (Mex) to swindle

By the way, fortunately, these new verbs are regular.

Originally posted on 20070825. Updated on 20071018. Latest update 20210413 (  Top

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