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in MexicoThe Largest Spanish-Speaking Town in the World.
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Mexico City, the largest Spanish-speaking town in the world. This is a day landing in Mexico City apparently from a flight arriving from Frankfurt. Let me try to explain to you what you are seeing here. First, this window shows the inner part of the city, towards the Zócalo, which you can’t see […] More
in Culture, Table of Expressions, TranslationGroups of animals
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This is how we call different groups of animals in Spanish: Spanish English Notes bandada (f) flock (birds), skein (group of geese) flock of birds, group of geese (gansos) cardumen (m) school fish (peces) colonia colony pingüinos enjambre (m) swarm bees (abejas), some other flying insects escuela (f) school fish (peces) jauría (f) pack dogs […] More
in Translation, VocabularyDora la Exploradora.
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In Spanish, many professions and adjectives end in -dor for males, but in -dora for females. So I think whoever named the character Dora the Explorer in English, knew that it was going to be very appealing in Spanish. The masculine form for this occupation is explorador. Now let’s imagine that Dora has some other […] More
in Culture, Table of ExpressionsGolazo, azo, azo
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My student Greg Zittel was watching soccer games on TV during a World Cup, and every time a team scored a goal, the announcer shouted golazo, golazo, azo, azo. He wanted to know what azo, azo means. -azo, -aza are attached at the end of some nouns to make them bigger or greater, and sometimes […] More
Charlie Chaplin in Mexico.
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This Charlie Chaplin movie, The Pilgrim, was made nearly a century ago, in 1923. It was not really made in Mexico, but more north in a California movie studio. In this scene, Charlie Chaplin is deported to Mexico. Charlie Chaplin really traveled in Mexico. He married 16 year-old Lita Gray, who had […] More
in Grammar, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyEl Hombre Araña
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Nouns modifying nouns are common in English, but in Spanish we normally use adjectives to modify them. As a general rule, nouns modify other nouns in Spanish only by means of the preposition de. Examples: hoja de papel, sheet of paper, mesa de madera, wooden table, collar de perlas, pearl necklace. Still, we can […] More
The 10 Best Cities in the World in 2021, according to Condé Nast.
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Which really are the best cities in the world? Our readers voted for their favourite urban destinations – ranking them for architecture, their buzzing food scenes and smart places to stay. How many have you been to? And – do you agree with the list? — Condé Nast Traveller (@cntraveller) March […] More
Really nice video of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
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William Taudien from Sweden is a little crazy. Funny crazy. He is also a great video editor and has impressive drone skills. He has lived almost a year in Mexico and this is an example of one of his videos. Unfortunately, there is not much Spanish to listen to in this episode. (For […] More