Spanish names of some international movies

Their Spanish equivalent could be non intuitive

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This is a table containing the names of some international movies and their corresponding Spanish translations for Mexico.  Sometimes, movies receive a different Spanish name in Spain.


English Title Spanish Title (Mexico)
Titanic Titanic
The Godfather El Padrino
The Lord of the Rings El Señor de los Anillos
Star Wars La Guerra de las Galaxias
The Lion King El Rey León
Jurassic Park Parque Jurásico
Avatar Avatar
The Matrix Matrix
Forrest Gump Forrest Gump
The Dark Knight El Caballero de la Noche
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones y los Cazadores del Arca Perdida
Back to the Future Volver al Futuro
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial E.T. el Extraterrestre
The Silence of the Lambs El Silencio de los Inocentes
Rocky Rocky
Jaws Tiburón
Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 2: El Día del Juicio Final
The Terminator Terminator
The Exorcist El Exorcista
Die Hard Duro de Matar
The Green Mile Milagros Inesperados
The Godfather: El Padrino:
The Sixth Sense Sexto Sentido
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Piratas del Caribe: La Maldición del Perla Negra
The Departed Infiltrados
Gone with the Wind Lo que el Viento se Llevó
Pulp Fiction Tiempos Violentos
Fight Club El Club de la Pelea
The Social Network La Red Social
Saving Private Ryan Rescatando al Soldado Ryan
The Shining El Resplandor
La Dolce Vita La Dulce Vida
Blade Runner El Cazador Implacable
The Wizard of Oz El Mago de Oz
The Sound of Music La Novicia Rebelde
The Breakfast Club El Club de los Cinco
The Princess Bride La Princesa Prometida
Ghost Ghost: La Sombra del Amor
The Goonies Los Goonies
The Blues Brothers Hermanos de Sangre
Grease Vaselina
Dirty Dancing Baile Caliente
Limelight (Charlie Chaplin) Candilejas


Their translations might be more poetic in Spanish: Gone with the Wind in Spanish is What the Wind took away.


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