This is a table containing the names of some international movies and their corresponding Spanish translations for Mexico. Sometimes, movies receive a different Spanish name in Spain.
English Title | Spanish Title (Mexico) |
Titanic | Titanic |
The Godfather | El Padrino |
The Lord of the Rings | El Señor de los Anillos |
Star Wars | La Guerra de las Galaxias |
The Lion King | El Rey León |
Jurassic Park | Parque Jurásico |
Avatar | Avatar |
The Matrix | Matrix |
Forrest Gump | Forrest Gump |
The Dark Knight | El Caballero de la Noche |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone | Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal |
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark | Indiana Jones y los Cazadores del Arca Perdida |
Back to the Future | Volver al Futuro |
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | E.T. el Extraterrestre |
The Silence of the Lambs | El Silencio de los Inocentes |
Rocky | Rocky |
Jaws | Tiburón |
Terminator 2: Judgment Day | Terminator 2: El Día del Juicio Final |
The Terminator | Terminator |
The Exorcist | El Exorcista |
Die Hard | Duro de Matar |
The Green Mile | Milagros Inesperados |
The Godfather: | El Padrino: |
The Sixth Sense | Sexto Sentido |
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Piratas del Caribe: La Maldición del Perla Negra |
The Departed | Infiltrados |
Gone with the Wind | Lo que el Viento se Llevó |
Pulp Fiction | Tiempos Violentos |
Fight Club | El Club de la Pelea |
The Social Network | La Red Social |
Saving Private Ryan | Rescatando al Soldado Ryan |
The Shining | El Resplandor |
La Dolce Vita | La Dulce Vida |
Blade Runner | El Cazador Implacable |
The Wizard of Oz | El Mago de Oz |
The Sound of Music | La Novicia Rebelde |
The Breakfast Club | El Club de los Cinco |
The Princess Bride | La Princesa Prometida |
Ghost | Ghost: La Sombra del Amor |
The Goonies | Los Goonies |
The Blues Brothers | Hermanos de Sangre |
Grease | Vaselina |
Dirty Dancing | Baile Caliente |
Limelight (Charlie Chaplin) | Candilejas |
Their translations might be more poetic in Spanish: Gone with the Wind in Spanish is What the Wind took away.