Job | Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) | Explanation |
bolero | what? | shoeshine person |
cácaro | what? | person who handles the projector at a movie theater |
carterista | wallet specialist? | pickpocket |
cerillo | kitchen match | Person, usually a kid, who packs your groceries at supermarkets for a little tip. In NY, usually the cashier does it. |
chacha | from muchacha, young woman. | maid (may be pejorative) |
chatarrero | chatarra = junk | person who recycles junk |
franelero |
franela = flannel |
squeegee man |
niño gritón (de la lotería) | lotto shouter kid | A tradition in Mexico since 1770: Kids who announce the jackpot winning numbers. |
huesero | from hueso =bone | chiropractor |
junior | junior | rich dad’s son |
luchador social | social wrestler | social activist, (also activista social) |
mil usos | thousand uses | handyman, gofer |
monero |
mono, monito (MX) = figure |
cartoonist,(also caricaturista) |
ni ni | Originally from Spain. Neither Nor. | Person who is neither employed nor a student. |
organillero | what? | organ grinder (music) |
padrote | big papi | pimp |
pepenadores | what? | scavengers (garbage) |
señor de los raspados |
scraped |
shaved ice |
revendedor |
reseller |
scalper |
saca borrachos | drunk customer bouncer | bar bouncer |
tendero | from tienda, store | store clerk |
viejo del costal (also el robachicos) | old man with a sac | Boogie man |
el viene viene | it comes, it comes (from venir, to come). | person who helps a driver park his/her car in a tight space |