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in Culture, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyActual and actually mean something else in almost every other language.
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Actual and Actually in Different Languages Language Word Translation in English Spanish Actual Current Actualmente Currently French Actuel Current Actuellement Currently Italian Attuale Current Attualmente Currently German Aktuell Current Aktuell Currently Portuguese Atual Current Atualmente Currently English Actual Real !!!! Actually In fact !!!! In English, the words “actual” and “actually” have unique meanings that […] More
in Culture, Funny, Grammar, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyNavigating the Tricky World of False Cognates in Italian and Spanish
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False cognates refresher: False cognates are words that look or sound alike in two languages but mean completely different things. They can be particularly misleading for language learners because their familiar appearance can make you think you understand them, only to find out later that you’ve misunderstood the conversation. Examples: To help you navigate […] More
in Culture, Mexico, Spanish, Table of Expressions, TranslationSpanish names of some international movies
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This is a table containing the names of some international movies and their corresponding Spanish translations for Mexico. Sometimes, movies receive a different Spanish name in Spain. English Title Spanish Title (Mexico) Titanic Titanic The Godfather El Padrino The Lord of the Rings El Señor de los Anillos Star Wars La Guerra de […] More
in Culture, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularySpanish for chess players.
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Chess is a game of strategy and tactics that has been played for centuries. It is believed to have originated in northern India during the Gupta Empire in the 6th century AD, and it was later introduced to Persia, where it evolved into the game we know today. Chess then spread to the Islamic […] More
in Culture, Funny, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyZodiac signs in Spanish
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I will introduce you to the names of the zodiac signs in Spanish, English (and some other languages). In Western astrology, the zodiac signs are based on the position of the sun at the time of birth. These are 12 zodiac sign names: Signos del Zodiaco en Español Zodiac Signs in English Segni dello […] More
in Funny, Grammar, Spanish, Table of Expressions, Translation, Vocabulary10 expressions that are NOT so easy to figure out.
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Spanish is an interesting and complex language, full of colorful expressions and idioms. Learning these expressions can greatly enhance your understanding of the language and allow you to communicate more effectively with native speakers. In this post, we’ve compiled another list of 10 Spanish expressions, along with their literal translations and English equivalents. Whether you’re […] More
in Grammar, Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyDifference between ir (to go) and irse (to depart).
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The difference between ir and irse. Many students confuse ir and irse. Ir means to go, the destination is important. Irse means to depart, to leave, to go away, the destination is optional because what is important is letting others know that you are going away. Of course, irse is more difficult since it requires […] More
in Culture, Grammar, Mexico, Table of Expressions, Vocabulary10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out. Príncipe Azul.
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10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out. Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation mirar feo a alguien.(MX) to look ugly at someone? to uglily look at someone? to give someone an ugly look? It could be a dirty look, but I would say that […] More
in Table of Expressions, Translation, Vocabulary10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (35)
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10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (35) Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation “por poder” what? By power? by proxy (legal). Italiano, per procura. se vende como pan caliente It sells like hot bread?…almost. It sells like hotcakes, pancakes estar en pañales to […] More
in Grammar, Table of Expressions, VocabularyYou don’t know how busy I am
This is a guide to show how to express negative sentences of the form “You don’t know how busy I am.” (tú) no sabes lo feliz que estoy you don’t know how happy I am no sabes lo mucho que estudié you don’t know how much I studied no tienes idea de lo interesante […] More
in Table of Expressions, Translation, VocabularyAbout people’s ages
adolescente adolescent, teenager quiceañero, quinceañera quince = fifteen A 15 year old person (or about) veinteañero, veinteañera veinte = twenty a person in his/her 20s treintañero, treintañera treinta = thirty a person in his/her 30s cuarentón, cuarentona (fam) cuarenta = forty a person in his/her 40s cincuentón, cincuentona (fam) cincuenta = fifty a person […] More
in Table of Expressions, Translation, Vocabulary10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (36)
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Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation no tener llenadera (Mx) llenar = to fill It is an expresion that means that someone is never satisfied. Like no matter how much he/she eats, it will never be enough. Also, used for politicians who embezzle. They steal and they can’t […] More