Some traffic signs in Spanish

Traffic signs can change depending on the country.

Traffic signs in Spanish-speaking countries.


Traffic signs or señales de tráfico or señales de tránsito in Spanish are similar to international traffic signs, however, not all traffic signs are the same in all Spanish-speaking countries.

Estacionarse means to park in Mexico and other Latin American countries, but in Spain, they say to aparcar. Estacionarse literarily means to station oneself. Estacionar el coche/carro/auto to station the car.

So in Mexico and other Latin American countries, this is the sign for No Parking.

no estacionarse
No estacionarse. Do not station your car here.

This sign is even more strict, the car will be towed away. La grúa is the tow truck.

se usara grua
Se usará grúa. Tow truck will be used.

In French, they also use the same word.

Stationnement (Linguee)


The following sign is the STOP sign. In Mexico, the military command ALTO which comes from HALT in German is used  In other countries they use PARE, a command form of parar which means to stop. In Spain they have the STOP sign, probably following European Union rules? Yes, alto also means tall, but this is a different word.

alto stop
señal de alto



stop pare
Pare and alto are the most used signs in Spanish-speaking countries.


This sign can be called calle de doble sentido or calle de doble circulación.

doble sentido
Doble sentido or doble circulación


These turn signs are vuelta signs.

vuelta signs
vuelta signs (from Wikipedia)

In Mexico, most people say dar vuelta for traffic turns. For example, to turn to the left is dar vuelta a la izquierda. You can use other verbs too like doblar (to fold, to turn, to dub), virar (to turn), some people also say girar (to turn, to rotate, like a gyro broiler). Doblar a la izquierda, virar a la izquierda and girar a la izquierda.

This sign in Mexico is for a traffic circle, which is called glorieta. La Glorieta de Colón would be a translation for Columbus Circle in New York City. Glorieta could have different meanings in other countries.

Glorieta comes from the French gloriette.



The action of passing a vehicle in Spanish is called rebasar. In this case this is prohibited.

prohibido rebasar
Prohibido rebasar


This car instrument is called Claxon not only in Spanish but in several other languages. It could be spelled Klaxon, Klaxson, or Clacson in other countries. Klaxson is an old trademark for the horm device used in very old automobiles. In this case, the cláxon should not be used.

No tocar el cláxon or prohibido tocar el cláxon.

Tocar is the verb that means to touch something or to play a musical instrument.


This is the busy Glorieta del Ángel in Mexico City.



un solo sentido
Un solo sentido. One way only.


For more information you can visit this Wikipedia article in Spanish about traffic signs:

Señales de Tráfico.

And also this article specific for Mexico:

Señales de Tráfico en México.

Credits: Most images used in this article are from Wikipedia.

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