Árboles frutales (fruit trees)

Photo by Anastasiya Romanova on Unsplash

Many fruits in Spanish have different names in different countries. One example is banana, in Mexico and Spain it’s called plátano, but in other countries, it’s called banana. This is a sample list of fruit tree names in Spanish. If you pay attention, very often, the tree’s name of a fruit with a femenine noun, is the masculine version of its fruit’s name:

Fruit Tree Name English Equivalent
aceituna, oliva olivo olive tree
aguacate aguacate avocado tree
almendra almendro almond tree
avellana avellano hazel
banana banano banana tree
— plátano plátano, platanal banana tree (MX, SP)
castaña castaño chestnut tree
cereza cerezo cherry tree
ciruela ciruelo plum tree
coco cocotero coconut tree
guayaba guayabo guava tree
higo higuera (f.) fig tree
limón limonero lime tree
mango mango mango tree
manzana manzano apple tree
naranja naranjo orange tree
nuez nogal walnut tree, pecan tree
papaya papayo papaya tree
pera peral pear tree



Published originally on 20100126. Latest update on 20210405 (spanishNY.com) top

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