
Actually, remember this please

English native speakers who are learning almost any other language, including Spanish, please watch out.

Your word actual has a very different meaning in almost any other language.

Spanish actual current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Portuguese atual current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
French actuel current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
German aktuell current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Italian attuale current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Romanian actual current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Polish aktualnie current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Turkish aktüalite current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
Czech aktuální current, up-to-the-minute, happening at this time
etc. etc. etc.

I don’t know how the English language got this one different, but please take this into account and don’t say actualmente for actually, or actual to mean actual or real in English..

Originally published on 20100925. Latest update 20210312 ( top

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