El último Grito. 10 expressions that are not so easy to figure out (4)

El Último Grito
El Ultimo Grito. Thesaurus.Plus.


Here are 10 common random idioms you may have trouble with if you hear them for the first time:

Expression Approximate literal translation (what you might think you actually heard) Explanation

pasado mañana

past tomorrow, past morning

the day after tomorrow, passing tomorrow

el último grito

the last scream? The last shout?

the last cry, it’s the very latest in fashion. From French denier cri.

no tiene chiste

it has no joke

it’s not interesting; it has nothing special; it’s boring; it’s too easy; it’s too simple

sin pelos en la lengua with no hairs on the tongue one who doesn’t mince his words, irreverent gossip. They have this expression in Italian too.
Estar de manteles largos

to be of long tablecloths, to put the long tablecloths

to celebrate a special occasion.

traer al mundo to bring to the word to give birth
dar a luz to give to light, to give light to give birth (also)
alumbrar : alumbramiento to light, to illuminate to give birth (as well): birth
La tercera edad The third age golden years
Nada que ver Nothing to see to be unrelated, to have nothing to do with

Most expressions apply to all Spanish-speaking countries.




Originally published on 20100512. Latest update 20210518  (spanishNY.com) top

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