El cumpleaños

El cumpleaños by Shila_the_Pom IG

El cumpleaños

There are many compound, masculine nouns in Spanish that are formed by a verb and a noun. Their noun component is usually plural, so it ends in “s,” but their overall grammatical number is singular. Examples of these words are:

El cumpleaños, birthday, formed together with the verb cumplir, to fulfill, to accomplish, to complete and the noun el año, year. The plural of these words is indicated by a plural article or adjective.
El cumpleaños, birthday, los cumpleaños, birthdays. The noun remains unchanged.

El abrelatas, can opener, formed by the verb abrir, to open, and the noun la lata, can). Lit: opener of cans.
El abrecartas, letter-opener
El cortauñas, nail clipper
El cubrebocas, mouth cover (mask) 
El parabrisas, windshield (lit: Breeze stopper)
El limpiaparabrisas, windshield wiper (Lit: Breeze stopper cleaner)
El tocadiscos, record player
El sacacorchos, corkscrew
El sacapuntas, pencil sharpener
El paraguas, umbrella (lit: water stopper)
El portavasos, coaster, cup holder (lit: glass (cup) holder). Posavasos in Spain.
El portafolios, briefcase
El pisapapeles, paperweight
El lavaplatos, dishwasher
El portaminas, mechanical pencil (usually the technical type)
El portaaviones, aircraft carrier (vessel)
El portaequipajes, luggage holder or carrier, one of the words for trunk (in a car)


El cumpleaños



Originally published on 20060922. Updated on 20061105. Last updated on 20210328 (spanishNY.com) top

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Spanish verb tenses terminology